Hammer Dulcimer Rendezvous! May 15-18, 2025 — Registration Open!

The Registration Form is at the bottom of this page, in the form of a fillable PDF — it’s a little bitty link!

The Hammer Dulcimer Rendezvous is an annual festival for students and aficionados of the hammer dulcimer.

May 15-18, 2025 — The Vous! We have a fine list of instructors planning to help out, and are thrilled to announce that our “Import” instructors Colin Beasley and Jody Marshall have us in their calendars! It will be Colin’s first visit to the ‘Vous. Jody is returning to the ‘Vous after last gracing us with her presence in 2014.

Our Local Heroes (let’s face it, they should be called “West Coast Heroes”) include Simon Chrisman, Carolyn Cruso (back for the first time since the pandemic!) Rick Fogel (who’s agreed again supervise the “Open Stage” evening of entertainment), Carl Thor and Jim Wells.

To get on our email update list, please contact Mick Doherty.

To learn about the Vous, check out how this site works: Go to the top of this page and see the white lettering in the black horizontal field beneath the photo. Each of the white lettered items works to operate a pull down menu. For instance, when you see “Hammer Dulcimer Rendezvous — The ‘Vous!” in white, hover over that with your cursor, and you’ll see a couple pull-downs (“HD Rendezvous Past” and “Rendezvous Raffle!”) which can lead to yet more pull downs. Explore to learn more about how the event works!

Check this site for general notices, or better yet, get on our email update list. Updates go out a few times a year, usually just before and after the ‘Vous, and then again when Registration begins in the fall and winter months.

The event features workshops for hammer dulcimer players at all skill levels from beginning to advanced, as well as instructor concerts, panel discussions, jam sessions, an open mic concert, a chance to buy recorded music, instructional books and musical items from our instructors’ tables of wares, and a raffle of items donated by participants.

Hull Park features dorm rooms (2 twin beds per room), several discreet sound spaces for workshops and jams, a professional kitchen (and staff!) as well as a newly constructed shower facility. On-site RV parking (no hook-ups), car camping and tent camping (lots of good lawns, and on a clear day, a view of Mount Hood), as well as nearby hotels are further lodging options for registrants.

Pete Ballerstedt is our noble founder, and maintainer of a Facebook page where you can see photos and hear some folks playing at previous Rendezvous.

Mick Doherty

On March 24, 2020, as something for folks to play around with while dealing with coronavirus isolation, Mick recorded a two handed version of Southwind.   You can find the video and the notation here.

If traveling to Oregon isn’t something you can do, don’t despair. I teach private lessons via Zoom. I also teach in person at my home in Portland.

There is also the QuaranTUNE Dulcimer Festival, or QDF. The Virtual Dulcimer Festival happens several times per year. Check it out! You will find me teaching there for the Winter Edition, taking place the first weekend of February, along with dozens of other instructors teaching for various instruments including hammer and mountain dulcimers, guitar, ukulele, flute, whistle, fiddle, mandolin and more.