Paul Oorts – Advanced (90 min)
“Carillon Tunes”
We will play tunes from the manuscript of Johannes de Gruytters, city carilloneur of Antwerp in the mid 1700’s. If you like English country dance tunes you’ll love these, great repertoire for the HD! Sight reading required in dulcimer friendly keys.
What’s a Carillon? This page helps:
Paul has prepared three pieces for this workshop.
He wrote, “Suggest to people to try both dulcimer parts. If the first part is too difficult, start by eliminating the ornaments and focus on the melody. Second parts are usually easier. My plan is to see who can play what parts, assign them so that we have a balanced number of people playing each, and see if we can polish up the performances by focusing on dynamics etc. It’ll be like playing in an orchestra! Great for people who haven’t had that experience. With Ensemble Carillon (all reasonably good readers) we can do three new pieces in 1 and 1/2 hour. Including a coffee break.”
The three pieces are:
“36 Air”, “59 Menuet” and “39 Contradans”
PDF files of the notation for the parts are attached below, as well as MIDI files of the first two.
59 menuet Portland – lead and harmony
59 menuet Portland – Mel & bass
59 menuet Portland – mel + gtr
39 conterdans portland lead + gtr