Rick’s Rules for Open Mic and Dinner Music!
Rick’s Open-Mic and Dinner Music sign-up sheets will be available on site. (Each one has it’s own sign-up sheet, see?)
Open Mic and Dinner Music allow folks a chance to play for the rest of us. Rick has a few simple “rules” to make this all work well.
— Rick’s Rules for Open Mic:
Open to all, until we run out of time. Sign up with Rick to get a spot to play.
Please limit your performance to one piece of music and/or four minutes. It can be a tune, a song, or a medley of tunes.
— Rick’s Dinner Music plan:
1) Three 20 minuet slots per meal. Five meals = 15 people or groups.
2) Two performing spots so that transitions are smoother.
3) Ensembles are okay.
4) Sign up for two performance slots is okay only if there is room.
5) People can email me before the Fling starts to get on the list:
Rick Fogel — rick@whamdiddle.com