The following is a list of other dulcimer gatherings in the far west, starting in Seattle and heading south…
The Northwest Hammer Dulcimer Society holds a jam every fourth Saturday in north Seattle at Northgate Retirement Community, 11501 15th Ave NE, 10:00-11:30. If you’re coming for the first time, please e-mail beforehand just to confirm the date and time (sometimes changes are made due to holidays or schedule conflicts). Contact Leann:
Stephen Nelson writes from Camas, Washington: Kelly and I have been hosting a monthly hammered dulcimer get-together for 8 years now. We meet on the third Saturday of the month from 2 to 4 pm at our home in Camas, WA. The focus is on playing beautiful songs you will recognize at a pace where everyone can contribute. All levels are welcome, with the recognition that the more experienced players will get a chance to help out beginners. Drop an e-mail to Steve if you want to jump-start your love of the hammered dulcimer!
Willamette Valley Dulcimer Players — WVDP meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month except December. Most members come from Lebanon, Eugene, Corvallis, and Salem. All skill levels are warmly welcomed. Contact: , and Find Us On Facebook
In the Bay Area — The Golden Gate Dulcimer Club has been jamming on the second Saturday (from 1 to 4pm) for 15 years. Email Jim Wells for the scoop:
Barbara Gershman writes, regarding events in Orange County and Culver City, California, “I lead 2 monthly HD groups, 1 in Fountain Valley/ Huntington Beach and the other in Culver City. A friend leads one in the San Diego area. We try to help new players along and work with a variety of levels. Patti Amelotte teaches group workshops in her home from time to time. We’re all connected. We can usually find a dulcimer to loan if someone needs one for a jam.” Email Barbara for more info on the So Cal scene, including the Southern California Dulcimer Heritage festival: